Belgische Fintech startup Monitr haalt seed funding op bij Michel Akkermans
De Belgische fintech startup Monitr heeft een kapitaalronde afgesloten met Pamica NV, de beleggingsmaatschappij van de ervaren investeerder Michel Akkermans. Het opgehaalde geld zal gebruikt worden om cash flow forecasting verder uit te breiden en Monitr in de Belgische en Nederlandse markt te zetten.
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Opgericht in 2019
In 2019 werd Monitr geboren. Pieterjan van Dam, Robrecht Conjaerts en Michiel de Mey richtte Monitr op, met één doel: de wereld van cash flow forecasting voorgoed te veranderen.

Monitr haalt seedfunding op bij Michel Akkermans
Tech investeerder Michel Akkermans investeert 200.000 € om Monitr verder te schalen. Cash is King! Zeker in tijden voor Crisis.
KMO's kampen vaak met een gebrek om hun cash positie en hun financiën inzichtelijk maken. Dit is vaak een combinatie tussen een gebrek aan tools en de capaciteit voor het inzichtelijk opvolgen hiervan.
Monitr verwerft extra investering van € 500.00
Na meerdere accountantskantoren, retailers, SaaS bedrijven en agencies te overtuigen, als grote namen te strikken als Deloitte, PWC en EY.
Maakt Monitr zich op om de belgische en Nederlandse markt te veroveren.

TOP 40 meest prestigieuze start-ups in België
Genomineerd door Volta ventures plaats Monitr zich op "The Big Score 2022" als één van de 40 meest prestigieuze start-ups in België.
De nominatie werd aan Monitr toegekend wegens zijn innovatief vermogen om cash flow forecasting voor KMO's te automatiseren
Self-service en cash flow automatisering voor KMO's
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How is my net working capital managed in Monitr?
Monitr provides a real-time, customizable cash flow overview, encompassing key components such as inventories, trade receivables, debts, financing, and VAT obligations. This feature enables precise tracking of cash inflows and outflows, pinpointing their timing and reasons. Thanks to real-time synchronization with your accounting software, you always have access to up-to-date and reliable financial insights.
This not only facilitates efficient cash flow management, but it also empowers you to make informed strategic decisions in real-time based on the latest financial data.
How is data secured within Monitr?
Monitr secures your data with AES-256 encryption and stores it within the EU. We make daily backups at multiple locations and automatically keep your data up to date to prevent data loss. Our partners are GDPR compliant.
What does Monitr do, and how does it differ from its competitors?
What does Monitr do, and how does it differ from its competitors? Join us and check out our investor pitch at The Big Score.
💡 What is The Big Score?
The Big Score is a tech event aimed at showcasing the 40 most promising start-ups & scale-ups in Belgium. And in addition, an opportunity to connect them with international tech investors and -innovators.
💡 How does Monitr differ from other competitors?
While anyone can make a forecast, the reliability of your forecast is often greatly defined by the way it's calculated. For this reason, Monitr adopts a fundamentally different approach in the following ways:
⏩ #1: We don't simply extrapolate figures from the past.
Creating your forecast based on past figures is easy, but often inaccurate. Therefore, Monitr calculates your cash flow in real-time. This means you don't simply extrapolate figures from the past; instead, your budget is automatically built from scratch based on your accounting, budget modules, and live integrations.
⏩ #2: We use budget modules.
A budget module features a step-by-step configurator that enables you to calculate your cash flow in a specific manner. This facilitates the composition and adjustment of a cash flow forecast using live data with just a few clicks. Consequently, it provides a more accurate and reliable view of your cash flow, affecting both short-term and long-term financial projections.
⏩ #3: We build your budget completely from scratch.
Monitr adopts a bottom-up methodology for forecasting, meaning that your forecast is constructed from the ground up. This approach ensures that your financial projections are not merely extensions of past figures, but are instead based on a reliable assessment of your actual costs and revenues. As a result, it renders your forecast more credible, both in the short and long term.
What is the advantage of linking your accounting to your cashflow software?
By utilizing a direct connection with your accounting software, all changes are immediately reflected in both your cash flow forecast and financial figures.
⏩ #1: Real-time - no dual input
Each entry in your accounting software is automatically synchronized with Monitr. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, thereby reducing the risk of errors and double entries.
⏩ #2: Enhanced accuracy and Detail
Moreover, Monitr utilizes an indirect cash flow forecasting method, integrated directly with your accounting software. This combination ensures reliable and real-time financial insights into your company.
Benefit from an in-depth cashflow forecast that transcends beyond basic income and expense tracking, providing you with a comprehensive and detailed financial overview.
What are budget modules and how do they calculate my cash flow?
The reliability of a forecast often hinges on the quality of your data. Hence, having live and constantly updated figures is crucial. This can be a daunting task when relying merely on spreadsheets.
⏩ #1: Budget builder vs. spreadsheets
Switching from spreadsheets to budget modules can significantly reduce errors due to minimized manual input. Using budget modules to build your budget relieves you from the complexities of formulating and calculating cash flow yourself.
This ensures that formulas and data matching are handled automatically, allowing the use of both historical and operational data. Consequently, you're provided with accurate and current figures that are tailored and well-suited for your business.
⏩ #2: Real-time & up-to-date
While some cashflow solutions require manual re-entry of data, Monitr utilizes live data and establishes a direct connection with your accounting software.
This eliminates the need for manual updates, ensuring that, once configured, your data remains consistently accurate and up-to-date.