Manage and centralize your financial reporting & forecasting in one platform
Monitr simplifies the process of creating key financial statements, including a balance sheets, a profit & loss statement, and cashflow statements. Additionally, you can quickly create variations of your budget with and effortlessly simulate the impact of different financial scenarios on your cash balance in real-time.
Centralize your data and update your forecast, reports and your figures in real-time

Get a complete overview of your business in one platform
Report your figures in a balance sheet, income statement and cashflow statement
Automatically break down costs and revenues using analytical axes
Use scenarios and quickly visualize the impact of best case and worst case scenarios in real time
Compare and simulate the impact of strategic decisions on your figures and your cash balance
Make a (real-time) forecast of your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement
Use templates and manage or import your customers via a custom reporting structure
Simulate your budget in real time and compare its performance against the proposed budget
Get a clean and interactive financial overview. Use drill-down, KPI's and find invoices in one screen
Make decisions 10x times faster and accurately predict your turnover

Build and customize your reporting structure
Monitr offers a drag and drop system to build or modify a customized reporting structure on the fly. Built, choose a template or import and customize your reporting structure in real-time.
Visualize the impact of strategic decisions on your budgets in real-time
What if you can see into the future? With what-if, you can test the outcome of various strategic scenarios. Create a variant of an existing budget in just a few clicks and simulate the impact on your cash flow in real-time.
Manage the cashflow forecast of all your customers in one platform
Provide your customers with peace of mind and collaborate seamlessly on a single platform. With Monitr, you have the ability to view your financial figures in real time, offering insights from a high-level overview down to a detailed invoice-level analysis.
Drill down navigation: Click through from a holistic perspective to invoice level
Consolidate your data: Filter by entity or use analytical axes
Budget actual insight: Get a real-time insight into your performance
Forecasts: Make a (real-time) forecast of your income statement, balance sheet and cashflow statement
Forecast insight: Get real-time insight into your performance vs your proposed budget
Delta insight: Compare the difference between the performance of your actuals in real time vs your proposed budget
Get a better insight into your figures and make use of a real-time reporting
With Monitr, you can easily pivot or segment your results by department, projects or an analytical axe. Use analytical data, such as: cost center, cost unit or project codes to pivot, organize and verify your figures in real-time.
Utilize a best practice sector templates
Compare your performance against your budget
Track your numbers in one interactive dashboard
Segment your results per department or per project
Make use of drill-downs. Navigate and click through from top down to invoice level
Use a drag & drop builder to create a customized reporting structure tailored to your company
Centraliseer de tussentijdse cijfers en cashflow forecast van je klant in één platform
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
in één scherm.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Monitr maakt gebruik van live data om in real-time je cash flow te berekenen. In Monitr kan je gebruik maken van 3 mogelijkheden om ervoor te zorgen dat je cijfers up to date blijven.
Een koppeling met je boekhouding, twee, een live verbinding met je operationele data en tools en tot slot drie, budget modules om je data realistisch bij te sturen op korte termijn.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, pose nibh lorem denim ut nam imperditi. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Gebruik je een spreadsheet dan ben je vaak aangewezen tot het manueel importeren en matchen van CSV files. In tegenstelling tot een spreadsheet gebeurd dit in Monitr automatisch.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Nunc lectus adipiscing pellentesque egestas tortor. Nunc, posuere nibh lorem enim ut nam imperdiet. Urna, in diam vulputate tristique non ante.
Request a personalized test case for your business
Monitr is a financial reporting and cashflow forecasting software that helps you as CFO to automate the cashflow forecasting and financial reporting of all your clients or your business, in one comprehensive platform. Curious how this works? Talk to an expert directly or request a personalized test case for your organisation.
Request a test case for your company? I want a test case
How can I personalize my reporting structure with Monitr?
With Monitr, adapting your reporting structure to fit your company's needs is straightforward. Besides offering a balance sheet, an income statement, and a cash flow statement, Monitr allows for individual adjustments and personalization of each report.
You have the option to start with a reporting template tailored to your industry or to import your own reporting structure from your accounting software. Moreover, Monitr enables you to quickly gain insights into your figures, break down totals, and utilize analytical axes, such as cost centers, cost units, and projects, among others.
Does Monitr have a free trial period?
Certainly, you're welcome to experience Monitr for free with our 14-day trial. No credit card is required, and there's no automatic renewal upon expiration. Simply link your accounting software, customize your reporting, and directly take advantage of the ability to simulate your cash flow. Compare your financial performance, utilize rolling forecasts and financial scenarios, and track your cash balance in real-time.
What does Monitr do, and how does it differ from its competitors?
What does Monitr do, and how does it differ from its competitors? Join us and check out our investor pitch at The Big Score.
💡 What is The Big Score?
The Big Score is a tech event aimed at showcasing the 40 most promising start-ups & scale-ups in Belgium. And in addition, an opportunity to connect them with international tech investors and -innovators.
💡 How does Monitr differ from other competitors?
While anyone can make a forecast, the reliability of your forecast is often greatly defined by the way it's calculated. For this reason, Monitr adopts a fundamentally different approach in the following ways:
⏩ #1: We don't simply extrapolate figures from the past.
Creating your forecast based on past figures is easy, but often inaccurate. Therefore, Monitr calculates your cash flow in real-time. This means you don't simply extrapolate figures from the past; instead, your budget is automatically built from scratch based on your accounting, budget modules, and live integrations.
⏩ #2: We use budget modules.
A budget module features a step-by-step configurator that enables you to calculate your cash flow in a specific manner. This facilitates the composition and adjustment of a cash flow forecast using live data with just a few clicks. Consequently, it provides a more accurate and reliable view of your cash flow, affecting both short-term and long-term financial projections.
⏩ #3: We build your budget completely from scratch.
Monitr adopts a bottom-up methodology for forecasting, meaning that your forecast is constructed from the ground up. This approach ensures that your financial projections are not merely extensions of past figures, but are instead based on a reliable assessment of your actual costs and revenues. As a result, it renders your forecast more credible, both in the short and long term.
How is data secured within Monitr?
Monitr secures your data with AES-256 encryption and stores it within the EU. We make daily backups at multiple locations and automatically keep your data up to date to prevent data loss. Our partners are GDPR compliant.
Is it possible to maintain my own reporting structure?
With the mapping scheme, you can effortlessly decide how to segment accounts and integrate them into your cash flow forecast and financial reporting. You have two options: if your accounting solutions allows it, you can directly import your reporting structure for a swift setup. If that’s not feasible, Monitr provides the flexibility to either begin with a sector-specific template or fully customise your reporting structure yourself. Thanks to an automatic link to your accounts, your figures are assured to be updated automatically, ensuring your data is always current and accurate.
How can I personalize my financial reporting and cash flow?
Monitr simplifies the personalization of your financial reports and cash flow management by directly linking your accounting accounts to a flexible reporting structure, thanks to its direct connection with your accounting software. You can effortlessly customize and tailor your reporting structure in real time. Start by using a reporting template tailored to your industry, or fully customize your reporting structure to fit your own needs.
Is it possible to set up a test case for my office?
Certainly, we can arrange a test case for you. This can be organized using either data from an existing customer or fictional information. Please reach out to one of our specialists to discuss your specific needs to ensure a reliable test case tailor-fit to your office.
Is it possible to contact references?
You can access references for Monitr in both Belgium and the Netherlands. For more detailed information, please reach out to one of our specialists
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